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AERTEC icon Airports


We understand an airport as a space for people. A place that should not only inspire confidence and comfort in travellers, but should also guarantee safe and fast operations.

Airport life cycle

Our experience with international airports has provided us with the technical knowledge needed to take on bigger and more complex challenges, while still offering all the right guarantees. But at AERTEC Solutions we offer something more than just technical knowledge. Our multidiscipline workforce is capable of integrating all the relevant aspects of a project within a single but diverse organisation, therefore allowing us to provide bespoke solutions designed exactly to the requirements of all the main players in the airport sector.

We understand an airport as a space for people, both at their origin and their destination. A place that should not only inspire confidence and comfort in travellers, but should also guarantee safe and fast operations. Our involvement and our innovative systems contribute to the generation of a more natural and pleasant airport user experience.

We advise our clients before they make the most important decision of all: whether the investment will be profitable or not.

Expert knowledge of airport processes is essential for the design and development of customised solutions.

An extensive experience in projects associated to the operation of numerous international airports.

From the IT services  conception to their implementation and operation, guaranteeing the integration of people, data and business systems.

COVID-19 impact in airports

How do post-coronavirus measures affect airport capacity and infrastructure?


ATIKA system at airports
A multi-platform, multi-device system designed to provide passengers, airports and concessionaires with interactive, real-time information.
AERTASK Gestión de tareas en aeropuertos pmr
ATIKA system at airports
AERTASK Gestión de tareas en aeropuertos pmr



Contact us

Carlos Berenguer

Carlos Berenguer

Aviation Director
Arturo Lerena

Arturo Lerena

Business Development Director
Spain & Latin America
Yousef Al Jaouni

Yousef Al Jaouni

Business Development Director
Middle East