Aeronautical safety studies for four airports (Turkey)

Aviation >> Airport Planning & Design

The objective of this project was to prepare different aeronautical safety studies in the air sectors and infrastructures of four airports in Turkey. For this purpose, the Obstacle Limitation Areas, the Restricted Building Areas (RBA) of the various Communication and Navigation and Systems (CNS) facilities and all flight procedures were analysed.

In addition, the impact of buildings in these areas was described and the maximum desired building height, in the case of urban developments, and compatibility with the safe operation of an airport was determined.

Once the parameters were established, the study included mitigation measures so that obstacles would not affect the airports, airport safety or the normal conduct of flight procedures at the following Turkish airports:
¬ Apkinar airport
¬ Maras airport
¬ Batman airport
¬ Konya airport

AERTEC carried out detailed work on the main steps for the development of the studies:
¬ Analysis of the impact of potential obstacles in the areas designated in the Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) issued in connection with Annex 14.
¬ Analysis of the impact of future buildings in designated areas on CNS systems in relation to EUR DOC 015 on Restricted Building Areas.
¬ Analysis of the potential impact of urban sectors on published instrument flight procedures in relation to ICAO PANS OPS criteria.
¬ Determine whether the maximum height of urban sectors is appropriate with respect to published flight procedures, OLS, in accordance with Annex 14 and ICAO PANS OPS criteria.
¬ Operational assessment in case it is determined that new obstacles have an impact or do not comply with any of the above criteria (Annex 14, EUR DOC 015, ICAO PANS OPS 8168).
¬ Based on the outcome of the operational assessment, the height of the proposed buildings will be adjusted accordingly.

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