Aviation >> Airport Planning & Design
The purpose of this project carried out by AERTEC is to calculate the capacity of airport subsystems and surrounding areas of interest related to aircraft movement, in particular runways and nearby airspace. This work is carried out using simulation and analytical tools and methodologies, which will also be applied to the different airports of the Aena network to carry out the requested studies, reports and analyses.
The analyses carried out will be used to determine the capacity problems, their impact and critical aspects at the airport under study. They will also propose actions to improve the efficiency of the infrastructures and their procedures, and, where appropriate, development alternatives and solutions to optimise airport capacity and maintain service quality standards.
The airport capacity of runways or airspace calculated according to the appropriate methodology will be subject to revision as a consequence of investment actions or modification of the processes or facilities reported.
This will determine the new capacity levels to be included in the years of the period notified in the Airport Regulation Document (DORA) as well as the levels of use of the infrastructure capacity standards. Similarly, the degree of efficiency of the operation of the infrastructure is reviewed, as well as the possible deficiencies and existing and future problems, impacts and critical aspects.
This project, which will last three years, will allow AERTEC to improve the quality and operational capacity of both the runways and the airspace at the different AENA airports under study.