Advanced Air Mobility
We’re ready to take the next step in air mobility because we’re already part of it. Let us guide you on this trip.

City, technology and people
Our city landscapes change over time, and they’re undoubtedly doing so right now. Beyond a horizon of buildings and streets, cities are also… people.
The transformation of metropolitan areas will be marked in coming years by a new key concept: Advanced Air Mobility.
We will soon be sharing space with electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicles that will be integrated into multimodal transport networks, which will, in turn, be part of regional or even larger-scale systems.
Much of the technology needed for this major change is already here, and the rest will be arriving in very short order. These are no longer ideas, but realities.
We innovate in AAM and we want to share it to create synergies that let us achieve more efficient and sustainable urban mobility. Want to know more?
Our keys...
- Planning and design of vertiports and droneports: A complete network of eVTOL airports will facilitate the development of AAM. They will all have to comply with complex aviation regulations.
- Consultancy for UAS services (routes, platforms and use cases): Each transport type will require a specific vehicle model for the system to be as efficient as possible.
- Integration with the network of urban transport systems: AAM must coexist and share resources with other transport systems, both terrestrial and aerial, with specific standards in each case.
- Oversight by aviation authorities: Current and future air vehicles must be properly certified by aviation authorities, as must their ground-based facilities.

Check out more by downloading our infographic on Advanced Air Mobility (click here)
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It is an innovative multimodal transport system for people and goods by air that works in an efficient, automated, intelligent and sustainable way.
The aerial operations will take place over populated (intercity or urban) areas, regardless of the type of aircraft in question.
The use of the term “air” often focuses on the aircraft component and its transition through the airspace. In general, AAM refers to electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft operating from vertiports with air traffic management (ATM) and U-space services. AAM also includes conventional helicopters, aeroplanes and drones.
This includes the intermodal movement of people and goods by air in urban, peri-urban and rural settings, as well as its inherent ties to other mobility services, such as bicycles, motorcycles, trams, trains, buses and cars. All of them are integrated and complement one another to increase the efficiency of the system as a whole.

Among the benefits that AAM can bring to urban, peri-urban and rural environments, people identify (according to a study conducted by EASA) the following:
- 71% – Shorter emergency response times.
- 51% – Fewer traffic jams.
- 48% – Less pollution from burning fossil fuels for transport.
- 41% – The possibility to further develop remote or isolated regions.

AAM will be vital in the definitive leap towards transport intermodality. The necessary technology is already available, although innovation is ongoing to improve the efficiency of the solutions. We will have to develop new facilities (vertiports and loading stations), as well as a regulatory framework needed to manage common airspace that is (operationally, physically and electronically) safe and efficient.