Bespoke software solutions and specialist airport systems consultancy
Through its extensive experience in the aviation and aerospace sectors, AERTEC has created a dedicated software solutions division, with the sole aim of providing bespoke products for key players in both of these sectors. We have created a number of unique solutions for different clients both in the airport sector and the aircraft manufacturing industry. We also have over 15 years of experience in providing specialist airport systems consultancy (operational systems, commercial systems, airport systems integration, etc.).
Some of our key clients include:
¬ Airport operators
¬ Airlines
¬ Ground handling companies
¬ Facility services companies
¬ OEMs
¬ Tier 1 suppliers
The most important systems designed and implemented by AERTEC include:
Increase airports quality of service and passenger experience
Interactive passenger information system. Installed at the airports of: Madrid (8 kiosks), Barcelona (8 kiosks), Seville (4 kiosks), Bilbao (4 kiosks), and Gatwick (8 kiosks). Also for Iberia Airlines (24 information points & kiosks) in the terminal T4 at Madrid Airport
State of the art in user experience and technology, reducing information service costs for the airport
Next generation multiplatform remote passenger information system, based on telepresence. Currently in discussion with European airports and FS companies, among other sectors
Optimisation of baggage trolley management
Baggage trolley collection and payment management system. Installed at Barcelona Airport with more than 40 units
Providing third party concessionaires the tools required to comply with airport SLAs with mobile devices
TAREO: a mobile task management system that allows management of different airport related tasks such as: airbridge connection, cleaning, maintenance, PRM assistance, quality control, etc. Over 100 devices deployed at five locations.
Passenger flow monitoring.
Real time passenger flow monitoring system using Bluetooth. Installed at Barcelona Airport as an R&D project and currently in discussion at Seville Airport. Customised software development for airports, such as BI design at Barcelona Airport commercial datawarehouse, among others. Allowing scalability of airport resources by estimating queuing times in security filters, therefore improving the passenger experience.
Optimisation of aircraft manufacturing processes
GAUPI: Tooling control system. A complete system to monitor the status of tools used on the shopfloor of an aircraft manufacturing plant. Fully integrated with aircrafts systems (SAP). Currently in use on Airbus A330 programme and in implementation phase for further programmes (A320, A350 & A380).
Guarantees compliance with aircraft manufacturing Health & Safety standards
H&S management system: a complete system to provide live information to shopfloor operators regarding health and safety through audio and visual alerts.