Airports planning & design
Airports: Visual aids – AGL
Place: Queen Alia International airport, Aman, Jordan
Date: 2011
Client: Airport International Group
AERTEC Solutions carried out an audit of a number of the following systems at Queen Alia International Airport. A number of recommendations were also provided following the audits, with associated CAPEX plans and risk analyses for each recommended option.
Aircraft Ground Lighting
The audit for this system assessed the degree of ICAO compliance of each subsystem, as well as the need to update old equipment. Furthermore the audit included a study of different options for upgrading the category and implementing LED lighting.
High Voltage electrical system
This part of the project included an assessment of the condition of the existing high voltage electrical system at the airport, including a low voltage metering campaign for the 66 transformers located across all electrical substations.
Fire & potable water systems
This audit assessed the condition and performance of the Fire Protection System, Potable Water Network and all related equipment (valves, pipes, pumps, controllers, along with the hydraulic, electrical and IT network linked to them).
Solutions were then proposed to maintain the systems at a high level of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety for the next 20 years.