Apron extension at Luton Airport (United Kingdom)

Airports planning & design

Infrastructure services

Airfields > Airfields: Aprons and their associated systems

Place: Luton Airport (United Kingdom)

Date: 2001

Client: RPS Burks Green – Luton Airport

Preliminary and detailed design of an expansion of the north apron.

The project was cancelled in October 2001 following the purchase of the airport by TBI and the financial turmoil resulting from the September terrorist attacks.

AERTEC Solutions had completed the project as far as the general arrangement drawings for the following:

¬ Design of 3 new stands
¬ Existing services diversions
¬ Installation of fixed ground power unit
¬ Head of stand equipment
¬ Pre-conditioned air units
¬ High mast lighting and photometric design
¬ Signage
¬ Drainage
¬ Spillage control systems

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