At AERTEC Solutions we believe that Innovation is an essential resource to grow and improve day by day.
We apply the following principles in each of our areas as a matter of conviction:
- The need to back innovation as a medium to long-term investment to improve continuously the competitiveness and development of innovative services which more than cover our clients’ needs.
- Innovation projects enable us to strengthen our position as our main clients’ technology partner.
- Seeking productive cooperation with universities and technology centres as a source of basic research in order to apply their knowledge to the development and improvement of products and services offered in the aeronautical, aerospace and defence markets.
- Adding value to knowledge and our professionals’ experience resulting from their direct relationship with clients by fostering their initiative and ability to innovate.
We have set out three work areas on which we will focus our innovation efforts as part of the company’s strategy for 2015-2020

We believe this concept will play a leading role in the aeronautical industry’s evolution and development over the coming years. In a sector like this one, where the pace of production is exceedingly low, it aims to use the digitisation technologies we have available to develop more accurate and efficient processes.
In this context, we took part in several projects aimed at applying smart tools that contribute to increasing the efficiency of processes, operations optimisation and cost savings.
The areas of knowledge we are innovating in include:
- Intensive digitising of testing processes in aeronautical manufacturing and assembly environments.
- Advanced interactive systems: remote support and mixed reality.
- Industrial digital mock-up (iDMU).
- Production tool automation management.
- Gamification applied to industrial processes.
This is a field of innovation in which we develop new solutions in the areas of guidance, communications and remotely piloted aircraft systems’ architecture by promoting international joint collaboration initiatives with universities, research centres and companies involved in the aerospace industry.
The areas of knowledge we are innovating in include:
- RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System)
- Aerial platforms
- Guidance, navigation and control
- Mission systems
- Data links and ground stations
- MEA (More Electrical Aircraft) / Clean Sky
- Validation systems for new architectures and efficient algorithms
- Advanced wiring systems and control units
- Onboard systems
- Advanced defence systems
- Semi-active laser terminal guidance systems
- High-dynamic vehicles

The technology tools we currently have at our disposal allow for more enhanced interaction among the different players that coexist in an airport. The instant availability of information and the multiple sources which contribute to providing real-time data open up an enormous field in which new processes and tools can be developed to allow for more efficient, quicker and closer management.
The areas of knowledge we are innovating in include:
- Interactive information systems
- Passenger flow control
- Airport operations support