Airports planning & design
Infrastructure services
Airfields > NavAids
Place: Belfast International & Cardiff airports (United Kingdom)
Date: 2009
Client: Abertis
The works included in this contract were the following:
¬ Stage 1 of the project included researching and preparing radar site selection reports, technical specifications, technical reports on the latest surveillance technology and regulations, evaluating existing NavAids, assisting the project management team and the airports preparing an OJEU tender process and finally preparing the technical and operational requirements volume of the tender documents.
¬ Stage 2 of the project included the evaluation of all the tenders received, including analysis of technical aspects, cost, regulations, programme and risks, finally recommending a preferred system and contractor for the installation of new primary and secondary surveillance systems at both airports.
The key activities for this project were to:
¬ Carry out feasibility studies for the installation of new primary and secondary radars at both Belfast and Cardiff Airports.
¬ Provide construction and phasing advice on the works to ensure that solutions are cost effective and meet targets.
¬ Produce design options for the radar infrastructure to support a detailed planning application.
¬ Develop CAD based layout plans illustrating proposed and final design solutions for the new infrastructures.
¬ The work included the design of power to radar infrastructure and comms links to ATC.