Aviation >> Airport Planning & Design
An integrated photovoltaic system has been designed by AERTEC on the roof of the new building of the Jubail Convention Center (Saudi Arabia), producing an annual output of 1,088.9 MWh per year and allowing the building to achieve the SILVER category in the LEED certification.
The design is based on the concept of selfconsumption (with no energy being dispatched to the network and no energy storage) and includes all the necessary elements (panels, support structures, direct current and alternating current wiring, inverters, electrical panels, etc.) as well as the study of shade zones, annual daily and hourly production, optimization of the space occupied by the solar panels and integration with the unique architecture of the building.
The photovoltaic system designed by AERTEC consists of a total of 1,140 monocrystalline silicon solar panels of 455 Wp and 660 Wp nominal power, configured in 56 strings associated with 7 inverters, 5 of them of 100 kWp nominal power and 2 of 36 kWp.