Aviation >> Airport Planning & Design
This project is part of the contract “Assistance for project drafting and assistance for control of construction for projects and works at various airports. Phase II”, awarded by AENA S.M.E.,S.A. to the Temporary Joint Venture (JV) formed by AERTEC and SGS in order to build two new rapid exit taxiways for runway 06L-24R and resolve the non-compliances of a third taxiway, related to its geometry and bearing capacity.
The scope of work included the following actions:
¬ Construction of two new rapid exit lanes (N2 and N3)
¬ Resolution of the non-compliance associated with the existing N4 rapid exit lane related to its geometry and bearing capacity
¬ Resolution of the isodeflection problems in the connection areas between the LINK-NORTH and N4-NORTH taxiways
¬ Replacement of affected aeronautical lights, including base boxes and retrofitting to LED lights of the point-to-point system associated with the runway and new intensity transformers.
¬ Replacement of all affected signs with new LED signs
¬ Reconfiguration of affected primary ductwork
AERTEC carried out the design in coordination with the remodelling work on runway 06L-24R. It analysed the operational needs of Palma de Mallorca Airport and carried out a phasing of works taking both projects into account: remodelling of the runway and execution of the rapid exit taxiways, simultaneously. As a result of the study, the runway was closed for 45 days to carry out the work. All deadlines were met and no operational problems were encountered during the works.