Airports planning & design
Infrastrucure services
Operations management support
Place: Valencia Airport (Spain)
Date: 2009-2010
Client: AENA Aeropuertos
AERTEC Solutions was awarded with the development of the feasibility study and design project of the biggest extension of the airfield faced by Valencia airport in the last 50 years. The project also aimed to improve the visual aids of the airfield, such as Aeronautical Ground Lighting (AGL), signage, markings, etc. in order to make them comply with ICAO standards and national regulations.
One of the key points of this contract was the planning of the construction works, in order to mitigate as much as possible their impact on the airport safety.
The problem was analysed from two different perspectives. Firstly, a comprehensive phasing of the works was set out, defining every single task to carry out, their dependencies and periods of development. Secondly, for each phase, hazards and risks were analysed identifying threats and strengths of the whole system and defining mitigation measures to reduce the impact on the safety. Safety indicators and acceptable performance levels were also developed.