Aviation >> Consultancy
AERTEC was appointed to provide Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study for the Improvement of the Infraestructure, Operations and Handling of Pherisahbles at the Air Cargo Terminal of Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA) in Amman.
QAIA is one of the major assets of Jordan, and so it is recognized by the Hashemite Hesimate Kingdom as the extensive investments carried out in the airport during the past 10 years demonstrates. As a result, passengers figures have rocketed from 3.8 million in 2007 to 8.4 million in 2018. However, air cargo statistics have not followed the same path. The cargo volume handled in 2008 was 86,000 tons while 2017 got a register of 110,400, an increase of only 28%, very far from the increase in passengers, but also from the GDP grown between both years ($22.2Bn in 2008 vs $42.3Bn 2017).
The rules of origin refer to the criteria needed to determine the national source of a product and the related duties and restrictions. Jordanian exporters needed to comply to these rules in order to benefit from the preferential access to the EU market. This initiative formed part of the broader EU support for Jordan in the context of the present Syrian refugees crisis and is intended to make it easier for Jordan to export to the EU, encourage investment and create jobs both for Jordanians and for Syrian refugees.
The scope developed by AERTEC team was as follows:
¬ Problems and needs assessment
¬ Policy and institutions analysis
¬ Identification and assessment of project options
¬ Preliminary technical design
¬ Financial, Economic and Commercial feasibility assessment
¬ Preliminary Envirionmental and Social Impact (ESIA)
¬ Operations and Maintenance Plan
¬ Procurement Plan and Tender Documents Preparation
The Team brought its large experience in developing Cargo Feasibility studies on its whole project cycle bringing the Cargo experience linking MEA market with the worldwide cargo network .The ultimate aim of this project is to improve the infrastructure, operations and handling of perishables at the air cargo terminal at Queen Alia International Airport in Amman.