Airports planning & design
Infrastrucure services
Airfields (aprons and their associated systems) & terminal areas (passenger terminals, including commercial areas and spaces)
Place: Gibraltar (United Kingdom)
Date: 2008-2009
Client: Dragados
AERTEC Solutions acted as main technical advisor to Dragados during the tender phase for the design & build scheme of the new terminal building and apron at Gibraltar Airport.
Once Dragados had been successfully awarded the contract, AERTEC Solutions was then involved in the design stage of the actual project, developing a functional analysis and planning the new terminal building as part of a multidisciplinary project team. Passenger flow analysis and options layouts were also carried out.
The terminal project was especially complex, given the fact that the building is one of the few in the world with dual entry-exit requirements for two different countries. AERTEC Solutions also carried out the detailed construction design of the new aircraft apron stands.
Four code C and one code E aircraft stands were designed, including all civil works, airfield lighting, apron floodlighting, services, VDGS, 400Hz, and other minor facilities.