Ground Control System and subsystems
The ground control system has been developed with proprietary technology, including the ground segment of the autopilot. It is compatible with any other type of unmanned aerial platform and can be configured to meet the user’s operational and control needs.

The Ground Control Station (GCS) conducts mission planning, platform communications and payload or useful load control functions through communications systems and data links to communicate with the aerial platform and its onboard systems.
The station includes the systems needed for mission planning and supervision, as well as suitable hardware (case and accessories).
It is fully configurable according to the client’s needs. The nominal model is portable as a case, and includes two interchangeable workstations with their corresponding screens. The first is for the operator of the aerial platform. It includes all flight and navigation commands, and it displays all the parameters necessary to supervise the mission on the screen. The second GCS station is dedicated to the operator of the main sensor.
The station is powered by mains power, but also contains batteries for independent operation.

FTS / Flight Termination System
The FTS is the composed by the FTS-Air and FTSGround segments.
FTS-Air is the onboard segment in charge of activating the recuperation mood of the UAS and monitoring the FMS status through datalink. Their actions are commanded by the FTS-Ground, independent of the control station.
FTS provides the UAS with a high reliable and safe operation thanks to the use of the datalink network, which enables to locate the UAS from the control station even if the FMS fails. In addition, the communication between FTS-Ground/FTS-Air are codified to avoid the FTS-Air activation due to electromagnetic interferences.