Industrial engineering
Technical consultancy / Operations
Date: 2010 – 2011
Client: LTK
This project consisted of the development of the technical specifications of the services that the logistics operator is required to provide from the ELC (External Logistics Centre), in order to correctly manage the disassembled parts from the Airbus A330 MRTT plant in Getafe.
Additionally, a study was produced to define packaging standards, detailing the different groups to be used when packaging the disassembled parts. This was also accompanied by an optimisation study of the warehouse at Santa Olalla (Toledo) where these elements are currently stored.
Work phases
¬ Data gathering and initial diagnosis
¬ Design of the logistics model
¬ Operational development of the model
¬ Drawing up technical specifications
Scope of work
¬ Definition of the minimum requirements of the service to be performed by the logistics operator
¬ Definition of packaging standards
¬ Optimisation study of the Santa Olalla warehouse
Technical data
¬ Warehouse total surface area: 27,500m2
¬ ELC with capacity to store disassembled components for three A330 MRTT aircraft and 500m2 dedicated to spare parts
¬ Number of references per aircraft: 1,800