Integrated modular avionics (IMA)
Modular, redundant hardware architectures, focusing on multiple boards managed by a set of MANAGER applications.

AERTEC applies advanced avionics concepts (HW/SW) to develop A/C computers and operational IMA-based SW for critical aircraft applications: flight control units, auto testing, health monitoring, communications, etc.
AERTEC’s goal is to add flexibility to the running of distributed SW, enabling the reconfiguration of the system while addressing the challenge of ensuring that it is certifiable.
AERTEC focuses on:
- RTOS compatible with ARINC-653.
- CORE computer: Certifiable according to the DO-254 and DO-178C standards
- individual LRUs with communication capabilities
- open HW / SW platform
- hardware virtualisation for development
- CI/CD for SW development

Projects / References:
IMA FCC for Small Air Transport: the IMASAT project focuses on the design, manufacture and qualification of a new platform that is suitable for use as a Flight Control Computer for small aircraft (SAT). Based on a single LRU, IMASAT makes it possible to connect, communicate and synchronise with other equipment connected to the nodes via safety-critical Ethernet network interfaces and/or external interfaces.
Audio & Radio Communication Manager: AS-DISCO (Audio Suite for Disruptive Cockpit Demonstrator) is an integrated modular avionics 2G (IMA2G) application developed to manage voice and data communications between pilots and the ground. The aims of this project are to reduce the flight crew’s workload, improve the pilots’ situational awareness and support disruptive and innovative cabin operations.
Aircraft Systems Auto-Test Software: this broadens the capabilities of the embedded testing software to provide auto-run software for testing the A/C system, allowing it to be checked via external testing software on the ground and optimising test information management. Courtesy standardised communications network based on the DDS protocol, connected to the avionics testing network on the ground. The Publisher-Subscriber-based protocol enables plug-and-play operations. With QoS profiles to enable multiple, fast-changing testing environments.
NOS-LRU New Open System LRU: NOS is a new open system line-replaceable unit (NOS-LRU). A system based on an ARINC 600 casing and interchangeable boxes (5 NOS-Mini-LRU) that host separate aircraft applications assigned to the ACD (Aircraft Control Domain) or AISD (Aircraft Information Service Domain). NOS is able to overcome space and functional limitations thanks to FPGA technology.