Testimonials of AERTEC's staff

Inés Guerrero
Systems Division
#AERTECteam / Since 2022
Seville (Spain)
“My colleagues are committed to what they do, they are responsible at work and have the necessary intelligence and inventiveness to solve problems. In addition, they are a charming and warm group of people, who is easy to become acquainted with.”
My first few days at AERTEC
I studied Aerospace Engineering and already knew what I wanted to do after my studies when I was in my last year at university. I applied for a job related to MBD at AERTEC, an area I was particularly interested in, since I had worked a lot on this area during my studies. I even modelled and analysed an AWES system using MATLAB and SIMULINK for my final degree project. I was incredibly lucky, they called me for an interview which went well and was asked to join the company.
I had never worked for a company in this sector before, but I had always been interested in everything related to space, that’s why I chose to start the Aerospace Engineering degree. This was the best decision I could make.
My career at AERTEC
My first day at AERTEC was filled with excitement. My first impressions about the company when I sent my application were very positive. These were even more positive after the interview. I’m not shy, but I was very nervous before I met my colleagues, because I didn’t know what the people would be like, what age group they would be, or anything else about them. But they gave me a very warm welcome, it was a fantastic group and I felt comfortable from day one. Moreover, I really enjoyed working on the projects, as expected. I adapted easily to the work environment and I’m very proud to say that I’m a valuable member of the team now.
What I like most about my job
I enjoy working on something that is not mechanical and repetitive. I’m constantly learning and overcoming new challenges. I can use what I learnt at university but also learn many new things and explore other fields.
What a normal day at AERTEC is like
I start by checking my email, internal memos and going over what I did yesterday before I plan my day. We then hold a daily meeting in which the team discusses the progress of each project. During the day, we are always finding new things that need to be done. Not all team members work on the same projects but we all know what our basic duties are, which allows us to help each other if needed.
My colleagues
My colleagues are committed to what they do, they are responsible at work and have the necessary intelligence and inventiveness to solve problems. In addition, they are a charming and warm group of people, easy to become acquainted with.
Working in AERTEC
The work atmosphere and conditions are great, allowing us to work from home. In addition, our work is very interesting and forward-looking.
Life beyond the office: my hobbies
My biggest hobby is dancing. I studied at the Conservatory in Seville as a child and continue to receive lessons. I also love nature (I’m a supervisor of a group of scouts), extreme sports and travelling when I have the opportunity to do so.