RPAS Innovation
Innovation in the development of new solutions in the field of guidance, communications and architecture of remotely piloted aircraft systems.
AERTEC has devoted several years to working on the innovation, design and development of advanced solutions for RPAS architecture, communications and guidance fields.
AERTEC is an authority in design and manufacturing of its remotely piloted aircraft and invests considerable effort in developing new solutions, both to solve the challenges posed for this type of systems and improving RPAS capabilities.

The areas of expertise and the objectives we have set for this field of innovation are as follows:
- Increase of flight times and payload capacity.
- Improvement of flexibility of configurations and capacity to adapt to different operating environments.
- Improvement of communication systems and increasing range.
- Innovation in guidance, navigation and control (GNC) systems.
- Flight support and safety subsystems.
- Increased efficiency of all systems.

Innovation projects
- Design and development of a Detect and Avoid system / VIGIA Project
- RPAS design with advanced power unit based on fuel cell, for use in environmental monitoring / ECORPAS Project
- Application of leading technologies in unmanned aircraft for research and development in ATM / ATLÁNTIDA Project
- Unmanned systems focused on minimal environmental impact / SINTONÍA Project