Project NIOBE
New technologies for electric interconnection in aeronautics.
- Programme: Intelligent Growth Operative Programme 2014-2020
- Period: 2015 - 2017
- Innovation area: Advanced Wiring Systems and control units

Project objetives
This project was led by Carbures Engineering (MDU) in partnership with AIRBUS Defence and Space, AERTEC Solutions and YFLOW. The objective was to develop and validate new manufacturing technologies within the framework of the Industry 4.0 paradigm, which makes it possible to manufacture airworthy electrical products based on alternative materials in order to end dependence on copper, which is heavier with performs worse.
NIOBE intends to develop a new model for manufacturing electrical wiring and airworthy switching centres from a new perspective based on state-of-the-art technology and new development methods (automation, high value-added, quality, competitivity). To do this, novel materials (such as polymeric fibres with embedded carbon nanotubes, conductive inks and flexible electrical materials) were researched as well as the application of digital control concepts for the aforementioned items.

AERTEC's role
AERTEC’s role in this project was:
- Creation of the test prototype
- Thorough tests taking into account all possibilities created by external actuators:
- Korrys
- Toggle switches
- Circuit breakers
…and all inputs accessible from the connectors.
Based on this, a battery of tests is listed, classified as:
- Harness continuity and insulation
- Feeding of korrys
- Switching of relays
- Activation of circuit breaker

- Partners: AIRBUS Defence and Space, Carbures, YFLOW/Mesurex

The NIOBE project, file number ITC-20151061, was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the “Operative Programme for Intelligent Growth 2014-2020” and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI in Spanish), in the framework of the ERDF INNTERCONECTA 2015 call for proposals.