Industrial engineering
Date: 2009
Client: ALESTIS Aerospace
This proposal was the result of the successful collaboration between AERTEC, INESPASA, MP Corporation and REDUCTIA.
The object of this proposal was to give response to the requirement realized by ALESTIS for the contracting of the engineering services for the study and development of A350 Belly Fairing industrial engineering.
Key points included in this work proposal were:
¬ Study and definition of an optimal Assembly Preprocess for manufacturing and final integration of A350 Belly Fairing, including frames & stringers subassemblies, kits subassemblies and integration of tool cell, equipment and considering rates FAL delivery.
¬ It was also considered access ergonomic criteria, visibility, physical effort, difficulty, etc., and Lean Manufacturing requirement indicated by Alestis.
¬ Lead-time study for each assembly.
¬ Participation and coordination with tooling design team in order to define assembly process.
¬ Tooling’s requirement, according to preprocess.
¬ Assessment of required human resources.
¬ Development of failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA).