Airports planning & design
Airfields > Design and processing of heliports and helipads
Place: Seville (Spain)
Date: 2011
Client: EPES Empresa Pública Emergencias Sanitarias
One of the most critical aspects when urgently transferring patients to hospitals is the speed with which the health centre in question can be reached. This is why the Andalusian Emergency Services (EPES) planned the construction of an elevated heliport on the roof of the Virgen del Rocío Orthopaedic Hospital in Seville.
The facility’s aeronautical design was carried out during the contract’s fulfilment. The necessary documents were likewise drawn up to complete the initial stages of the legalisation process for this kind of facility. Bearing this aim in mind, an airspace compatibility and noise footprint study was conducted. In addition, a report on compliance with regional and local authority regulations on noise and vibrations resulting from aeronautical activities was drafted.