Airport operation
The workforce at AERTEC Solutions includes professionals with extensive experience in projects associated to the operation of numerous international airports. The type of services we offer can be divided into the following groups:

Operational readiness and airport transfer
This kind of management deals with all the activities aimed at ensuring that the different elements involved in operating the new airport facility (procedures, equipment, systems and operating personnel) are available, suitable for the processes defined and meet all the necessary operational requirements.
In order to achieve this, the proper coordination and involvement of all the players and users involved in the process (airport manager, airlines, handling agents, official agencies, etc. are considered vital. These should be properly organised according to a detailed scheduling of activities.
Among all the actions involved in the process of starting up operations at new airport facilities, special mention should be made of the preparation
and running of operating tests and the planning and coordination of the physical/operational transfer.
Analysis and monitoring of service level agreements (SLA)
Airport management requires service level agreements (SLA) as a framework through which a company, agent or concession undertakes to provide the airport a service under certain conditions having some minimum quality and performance levels. These are ensured by measuring and assessing them to verify the level of fulfilment. Thus, a set of level of service indicators and parameters have to be set and weaknesses have to be identified so that
improvement actions and procedures can be carried out.
Since the beneficiaries of such services include both the client and the users, checks and measurements should be carried out to detect the level of service perceived by the users, and said information should be included as an additional indicator. The sectors having the most direct impact on the quality being offered include.
- Handling services
- PRM services
- Retail services
- Security
- Other services: public information, baggage trolleys, etc.
AERTEC Solutions has ample experience of this kind of work in any of the above-mentioned areas. This experience has been gained by our expert personnel at the main airports belonging to the AENA airport network, including: Madrid-Barajas, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Málaga, Alicante, Gran Canaria, Tenerife-Sur, Sevilla…

Airport operational procedures and manuals
A properly run airport that ensures safety and effectiveness should have some perffectly defined action protocols which are in keeping with the airport facility’s peculiarities and which fulfil any airport regulations which are in force.
These protocols are materialised through the drafting and application of operating procedures and manuals, which set the guidelines for action and coordination among the different players involved in the airport’s operations (the airport’s in-house personnel, handling companies and agents, official agencies, service provision companies, concessionaires, etc.).
AERTEC Solutions has extensive experience in drafting, implementing and updating these kinds of documents, the most important of which are as follows:
- Self-protection and emergency plans
- Airport manuals
- Security programmes
- Technical procedures and instructions for the different airport areas, including: operations, services, safety, maintenance, etc
Operational safety management systems
Operational safety is one of the main elements involved in the development and analysis of aeronautical operations. In order to ensure the safety of aircraft, passengers and the players which operate in and around aircraft and airport infrastructures, all necessary measures in this regard should
implemented, applied and carried out during the airport’s day-to-day activities.
AERTEC Solutions has a great deal of professional expertise in developing and carrying out these measures, especially the operational safety
management system’s (SMS) implementation and monitoring.
Its track record includes developing and keeping airport manuals up to date, designing and applying operating and management procedures, and
monitoring and verifying operational safety action protocols.

Airport engineering services
An airport’s day-to-day activities include a wide range of coordinated processes and actions. Depending on their function and aim, these affect the different functional areas to a greater or lesser extent.
AERTEC Solutions’ multidisciplinary team of engineers and technicians has extensive experience in providing engineering support services at a large number of airports. These are aimed at ensuring and enhancing the operations and effectiveness of day-to-day airport activities. The following are well worth highlighting:
- Airport processes control and monitoring in the airport’s different functional areas (operations, security, retail, services, etc.). Process re-engineering.
- Control and supervision services of airport activities/works concerning occupational health and safety, operational safety and quality matters.
- Environmental management system maintenance.
- Providing assistance for the development and integration of graphic documentation.
- Engineering services related to facility maintenance (ABHS, different kinds of equipment, etc.).