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Airport security accreditation

AERTEC Solutions has the AESA-certified technical and human resources required to provide a basic awareness course for airport security. This course is a fundamental requirement for anyone that aims to develop professional activities in the airport environment.

It goes without saying that all large transport infrastructures, especially airports, require a special level of security. That said however, very few people are aware of the obligations faced by all people that wish to develop any type of professional activity in this field; they must all take part in a suitable security course. Without this basic airport security awareness course, they will not be able to obtain the relevant accreditation to work this field.

At international level, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) is constantly updating its requirements related to recommended standards and methods for security, adapting them to the social and political factors that affect the current world in which we live in. In the same manner, the European Union has followed suit with these modifications, reflected in the (EC) 300/2008 and (EC) 185/2010 regulations, demanding compulsory compliance in all airport facilities within the Union, both private and public.

This last standard establishes that all personnel that require access to the security restricted areas in air navigation or airport facilities must receive security awareness training, allowing them to qualify for the Airport Accreditation Card (also known as AVSEC training).

In Spain, the Law 21/2003 for Air Security has been passed. This law includes the establishment of the National Aviation Security Programme (PNS), and also brought about the creation of the National Aviation Security Agency (AESA). This agency is the only national organisation that can certify compliance to the PNS, via two specific programmes: The PNC (National Civil Aviation Security Quality Control Programme) and the PNF (National Civil Aviation Security Training Programme). Since February 2013, AVSEC training has been compulsory across all Spanish Airports.

The aim of this programme, with the help of all organisations involved, is to make sure that all security accredited personnel help improve control over possible illicit acts and prevent potential threats.

What is AVSEC?

AVSEC is the acronym of Aviation Security. It refers to the prevention and control measures used to regulate the security of all activities related to airports and air navigation.

Who requires basic AVSEC awareness training?

The standards regarding this question are extremely clear: Anybody who plans to develop any activity in the security restricted area of an airport for any period of 30 days or more must pass the basic airport security awareness course. They must therefore be capable of demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the different concepts involved. This is a compulsory requirement to be able to obtain the Airport Accreditation Card.

This requirement is compulsory for everyone from the airport’s own staff to the members of the security team (private or state-provided), along with all personnel for restaurants, shops, agencies, packing firms, catering companies, utilities suppliers, maintenance and building contractors, technical assistance contractors, etc.

Who can provide training in AVSEC awareness?

This training can only be provided by AVSEC Trainers that are certified by the National Aviation Security Agency (AESA). AVSEC trainers can be accredited to provide training for one or more of the specific groups of personnel, providing specific certificates for each, such as:

  • Group A: State police and private security
  • Group B: CNP; Airport managers, service providers, airlines, ground handling operators. Accredited cargo agents, catering and cleaning providers, customs personnel
  • Group C: Official companies, entities or organisations whose personnel undertake activities in the airport, general aviation, known suppliers, accredited cargo agents

AERTEC Solutions has a team of AVSEC trainers, certified by the National Aviation Security Agency (AESA)


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Torsten Paulsson

Co-founder and CEO

Torsten Paulsson

Co-founder and CEO

Torsten Paulsson

Co-founder and CEO

Torsten Paulsson

Co-founder and CEO


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