Servicios de Diseño y Planificación aeroportuaria
Diseño del proyecto de detalle y supervisión in-situ
Lugar: Aeropuerto Internacional de Málaga – Costa del Sol, España
Fecha: 2001-2010
Cliente: AENA Aeropuertos
Design, Control & Supervicion of the T3 Terminal building at Malaga International Airport (Spain).
The expansion aims to position Malaga as the leading tourist destination airport, increasing the current number of passengers of 11 million to 20 million by the year 2017. It will include new motorway access roads, a new car park building and the terminal area itself. The total area constructed will be 324,500m2.
AERTEC is the principal collaborator of the GHESASENERGOP temporary joint venture, and has carried out all the preliminary work for this project, collecting all required data. Furthermore AERTEC Solutions has planned all the affected services works included in this project, which will allow the current terminal to maintain connected to the new terminal as well as the entire development and its access points.
AERTEC was also responsible for the site control and supervision for compliance of environmental impact preventative and corrective measures detailed in the construction project during the execution of the works, from the Environmental Impact Declaration (DIA) and in the Environmental Supervision Programme (PVA).