Maintenance audit of visual aids at Hamad International Airport (Qatar)

Airports planning & design

Airfields > Visual aids design: AGL

Place: Hamad International Airport, Doha (Qatar)

Date: 2013-2015

Client: Qatar Civil Aviation Authority – ADB Airfield Solutions

AERTEC Solutions was commissioned to perform an annual audit of the Visual Aids maintenance service at Hamad International Airport, Doha (Qatar).

The Visual Aids maintenance service covers the entire maintenance of one of the most complex visual aids systems in the world, comprising four ALS CAT II/III systems as well as a complex CAT III taxiway system.

The audits will analyse the level of compliance of the maintenance services according to ICAO and other international standards.

The main areas that were analysed are listed below:

¬ Human resources and staff capacity

¬ Material resources

¬ Preventive maintenance procedures

¬ Corrective maintenance procedures

¬ Inventory management

¬ Quality, health & safety and environmental monitoring

