Industrial engineering
Date: 2004-2008
Client: Airbus D&S
Industrial organisation and logistics planning of factory floor for A400M FAL San Pablo, Seville (Spain).
Integrated into multidisciplinary teams and using the Lean Manufacturing philosophy, AERTEC developed the industrial organization and the associated logistics processes for the factory floor of the A400M FAL, including the following studies:
¬ Functional logistical planning for Just In Time processes.
¬ Development of logistics chains for the main parts of the aircraft.
¬ Workstation requirements for the production process.
¬ Definition of the workflows for the entry of materials from the reception areas to the assembly stations and inter-station flows, analysing the feasibility.
¬ Definition of people workflows
¬ Definition of industrial means needed, ensuring the logistic management at the plant.
¬ Implementation of layouts of industrial organisation of production cells, testing areas and holding buffers.
¬ Standardisation and estimation of industrial resource requirements for logistics management along with all conceptual design proposals.
¬ Conceptual design proposals for the logistic tooling to be used.
¬ Planning of the needs and logistic management for production auxiliary material.