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The aerospace industry in Colombia

Picture of Leonardo Mesa

Leonardo Mesa

CAESCOL Cúster Aeroespacial Colombia / Executive Manager


The aerospace industry occupies a significant place in the Colombian economy. Aside from being a sector which has experienced double-digit growth in the last five years and being within the group of Latin American countries with the world’s third highest air traffic growth rate, it will have one of Latin America’s nine aviation megacities according to studies conducted by Airbus. It is an industry which generates and stimulates other sectors that support its operations, in addition to bringing progress to remote areas of Colombia.

The creation and structure of the Colombian Aerospace Cluster is a strategic initiative aimed at Colombia’s cultural, social and economic transformation.

The creation and structure of the Clúster Aeroespacial Colombiano (Colombian Aerospace Cluster) is a strategic initiative aimed at Colombia’s cultural, social and economic transformation. It is led by the Colombian Air Force’s Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Aeroespacial para la Defensa (CETAD – Aerospace Technological Development Centre for Defence), which has brought together a work team and structured a strategic platform for the sector’s development in conjunction with private companies, higher education institutions and local, regional and national entities.

As a strategic technological initiative, it is made up of companies, industries, universities and research and development centres, along with a variety of public and private entities based in Colombia. As an entity geared at developing the sector, we seek to boost the regions’ economic, social, cultural and technological transformation by allowing different productive sectors to take part as world-class players in the aerospace market.

Today our organisation is engaged in international alliances which have generated synergies like, for instance, with the Mexican aerospace industry. Likewise, we bring manufacturing industry closer to meeting the different requirements of the Colombian civil and military sectors in order to develop internationally validated processes and products which allow new production lines to be consolidated. This in turn leads to challenges in specialised training for human talent, certification processes and other relevant aspects for the country’s competitiveness.

Our products and processes are today focused on meeting the Colombian defence sector’s needs and we have been granted certifications issued by agencies recognised by the Colombian Ministry of Defence. Said processes and products have met the highest standards and we have fortunately been recognised by the Colombian Air Force as a leading entity in Colombia concerning the generation of knowledge about the aeronautical industry.



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